Open In App class methods in Java with Examples

Last Updated : 08 Sep, 2021
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Following are some important date class methods :

  1. .toString() : java.util.Date.tostring() method is a java.util.Date class method.It displays the Current date and time.
    Here Date object is converted to a string and represented as:

     day mon dd hh:mm:ss zz yyyy 

    day : day of the week
    mon : month
    dd : day of the month
    hh : hour
    mm : minute
    ss : second
    zz : time zone
    yyyy : year upto 4 decimal places

    public String toString()
    a string representation of the given date.
  2. .setTime() : java.util.Date.setTime() method is a java.util.Date class method. Sets this Date object to represent a point in time that is time milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT.
    public void setTime(long time)
    time : the number of milliseconds.
  3. .hashCode() : java.util.Date.hashCode() method is a java.util.Date class method. Returns a hash code value for the Date object. The result is exclusive OR of the two halves of the primitive long value returned by the getTime() method.
    public int hashCode()
    a hash code value for the Date object.

    Java Code to illustrate the use of .toString(), setTime(), hashCode() methods.

    // Java Program explaining class methods//
    // use of .toString(), setTime(), hashCode() methods
    import java.util.*;  // class having access to Date class methods
    public class NewClass
        public static void main(String[] args)
            Date mydate = new Date();
            // Displaying the current date and time
            System.out.println("System date : "+ mydate.toString() );
            // Is used to set time by milliseconds. Adds 15680 
            // milliseconds to January 1, 1970 to get new time.
            System.out.println("Time after setting:  " + mydate.toString());
            int d = mydate.hashCode();
            System.out.println("Amount (in ms) by which time"
                               " is shifted :  " + d);


    Output of Java code:

    System date : Tue Nov 01 02:37:18 IST 2016
    Time after setting:  Thu Jan 01 05:30:15 IST 1970
    Amount (in milliseconds)  by which time is shifted :  15680
  4. .after() : java.util.Date.after() method tests if current date is after the given date.
    public boolean after(Date d)
    d : date
    true if and only if the instant represented by this Date object is strictly later
    than the instant represented by 'when'; else false
    NullPointerException - if Date object is null.
  5. .clone() : java.util.Date.clone() method returns the duplicate of passed Date object.
    public Object clone()
    a clone of this instance.
  6. .before() : java.util.Date.after() method tests if current date is before the given date.
    public boolean before(Date d)
    d : date
    true if and only if the instant represented by this Date object is strictly earlier
    than the instant represented by 'when'; else false
    NullPointerException - if when is null.
  7. Java Code to illustrate the use of after(), clone(), before() methods.

    // JAVA program explaining Date class methods
    // after(), clone(), before()
    import java.util.Date;
    public class NewClass
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // create 2 dates
            Date date1 = new Date(2016, 11, 18);
            Date date2 = new Date(1997, 10, 27);
            // Use of after() to check date2 is after date1
            boolean a = date2.after(date1);
            System.out.println("Is date2 is after date1 : " + a);
            // Use of after() to check date2 is after date1
            a = date1.after(date2);
            System.out.println("Is date1 is after date2 : " + a);
            // Use of clone() method
            Object date3 = date1.clone();
            System.out.println("Cloned date3 :" + date3.toString());
            // Use of before() to check date2 is after date1
            boolean b = date2.before(date1);
            System.out.println("Is date2 is before date1 : " + a);


    Output :

    Is date2 is after date1 : false
    Is date1 is after date2 : true
    Cloned date3 :Mon Dec 18 00:00:00 IST 3916
    Is date2 is before date1 : true
  8. .compareTo() : java.util.Date.compareTo() method compares two dates and results in -1, 0 or 1 based on the comparison.
    public int compareTo(Date argDate)
    argDate : another date to compare with
    0  : if the argumented date = given date.
    -1 : if the argumented date > given date.
    1  : if the argumented date < given date.
  9. .equals() : java.util.Date.equals() method checks whether two dates are equal or not based on their millisecond difference.
    public boolean equals(Object argDate)
    argDate : another date to compare with
    true if both the date are equal; else false.
  10. .getTime() : java.util.Date.getTime() method results in count of milliseconds of the argumented date, referencing January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
    public long getTime()
    milliseconds of the argumented date, referencing January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
  11. Java Code to illustrate the use of compareTo(), getTime(), equals() methods.

    // Java program explaining Date class methods
    // compareTo(), getTime(), equals()
    import java.util.*;
    public class NewClass
        public static void main(String[] args)
            Date d1 = new Date(97, 10, 27);
            Date d2 = new Date(97, 6, 12);
            // Use of compareto() method
            int comparison = d1.compareTo(d2);    // d1 > d2
            int comparison2 = d2.compareTo(d1);   // d2 > d1
            int comparison3 = d1.compareTo(d1);   // d1 = d1
            System.out.println("d1 > d2 : " + comparison);
            System.out.println("d1 < d2 : " + comparison2);
            System.out.println("d1 = d1 : " + comparison3);
            // Use of equal() method
            boolean r1 = d1.equals(d2);
            System.out.println("Result of equal() r1 : " + r1);
            boolean r2 = d1.equals(d1);
            System.out.println("Result of equal() r2 : " + r2);
            // Use of getTime() method
            long count1 = d1.getTime();
            long count2 = d1.getTime();
            System.out.println("Milliseconds of d1 : " + count1);
            System.out.println("Milliseconds of d2 : " + count2);


    Output :

    d1 > d2 : 1
    d1 < d2 : -1
    d1 = d1 : 0
    Result of equal() r1 : false
    Result of equal() r2 : true
    Milliseconds of d1 : 880569000000
    Milliseconds of d2 : 880569000000

    This article is contributed by Mohit Gupta. If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to See your article appearing on the GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks.

    Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.

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