
Last Updated : 31 Jan, 2022

Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform runtime environment built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. You need to recollect that NodeJS isn’t a framework, and it’s not a programing language. It provides an event-driven, non-blocking (asynchronous) I/O and cross-platform runtime environment for building highly scalable server-side applications using JavaScript.

Node.js Tutorial

Most people are confused and understand it’s a framework or a programing language. We often use Node.js for building back-end services like APIs, Web App, or Mobile App. It’s utilized in production by large companies like Paypal, Uber, Netflix, Walmart, etc.


Why to learn NodeJS?

  1. Easy Scalability
  2. Real time web apps
  3. Fast Suite
  4. Easy to learn and code
  5. Advantage of Caching
  6. Data Streaming
  7. Hosting
  8. Corporate Support


// Node.js program to display some
// text on consle screen 

// Accessing console module 
const console = require('console');

// Calling method"Welcome to GeeksforGeeks");

Steps to Run: First, Download and Install in your system and then use the following command to run your code.

node filename.js

Output: The output will dispaly on console screen.

Welcome to GeeksforGeeks

Learn more about Node.js:

Complete References:

Recent Articles on Node.js

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